# APPLICATION INVENTORY SCRIPT # Version 3.0 # Funduc Software Inc # www.funduc.com www.searchandreplace.com # Notes: # - The [Settings] section tag MUST be present. # - Only one scan can be performed per script. If you need to # do several scans, use a separate script for each scan. # - # is the comment character. It MUST go in column 1. # - All switches and the [Settings] tag MUST begin in column 1 # - You MUST specify an output file of some kind or the program # will run and do nothing!! [Settings] # ** PATH(S) TO SCAN ** # Use the Drives= switch to specify the path(s) to scan. # Multiple paths can be separated by the ; character. # If Drives= is not specified. all available drives # for the machine are scanned. Drives=c:\;d:\test # ** PATH(S) TO EXCLUDE ** # Use the optional Filter Paths= switch to exclude one # or more paths from the scan. This is the same thing # as the Options|Filters "Filter Paths" field in the GUI. Filter Paths=c:\Windows;D:\System Volume Information;c:\System Volume Information # ** SHORTCUT FILTER(S) ** # Use the optional Filter Shortcut Paths= switch to exclude # one or more paths from the scan for shortcuts. By default # the program searches all available paths when looking for # lnk shortcut references. Separate multiple paths to skip # with the ; character. Filter Shortcut Paths=c:\Windows;D:\System Volume Information;c:\System Volume Information # ** FILE EXTENSION(S) ** # By default the program searches .exe files. You can # change this with the optional Search extension= switch. # Only one extension can be used per run so if you have # several you want to check, do a separate operation for # each extension. Search extension=.exe # ** STRING FILTER(S) ** # Use the optional String Filter= and String Filter Flag= # switches to filter the ouput by string. String Filter= # is used to specify the string(s). Only one string can # be considered per run so if you have multiple strings # to scan for, do one string per run. # String Filter Flag= has three possible values: # 0 = Do not consider strings # 1 = Exclude apps that do NOT contain the strings # 2 = Include only apps that DO contain the strings # These two switches are the same as the Options|Filters - # "Strings to search for" fields in the GUI. String Filter=Funduc Software String Filter Flag=0 # ** COLUMNS TO LIST ** # Use the optional Columns= switch to control which # fields (and in which order) are listed in the output # file. The columns are the same as those in # Options|Columns in the GUI. If the switch is omitted, # all fields are output. The order can be changed by # positioning the numbers as you like. The columns are: # 0 = Application 1 = Version # 2 = Date/Time 3 = Size # 4 = Company 5 = Path # 6 = File Description 7 = Internal Name # 8 = Copyright 9 = Original File Name # 10 = Product Name 11 = Product Version Columns=0;1;2;3;4;5 # ** SORT RESULTS ** # Use the Sort Column= switch to control which column # to sort by. Use the number codes above. Only one # sort is possible so do not specify more than one # number. Sort Column=2 # ** ASCENDING/DESCENDING SORT ** # Use the Ascending= switch to control which order # to sort by. Ascending=0 is descending. Ascending=1 # ** OUTPUT FILE ** # You must include this switch or nothing will be output # Surround paths with spaces with " characters. Output File=D:\AIResults\AIScriptOutput1.txt # ** APPEND VS OVERWRITE OUTPUT ** # Use the Append to Output= switch to control overwrite # vs. for the output dump. Append to Output=0 overwrite. Append to Output=1 # ** OUTPUT DELIMITER ** # Use the optional Delimiter= switch to use something other # the \t (tab) to delimit the ouput report. You can specify # multiple characters if you like. Delimiter=| # ** QUOTED STRING ** # Quoted strings=1